Windows terminal font larger
Windows terminal font larger

windows terminal font larger

& would therefore use the following command to rebuild their Init Ramdisk Image:įor those that are using the/a Linux Long Term Support kernel then their identifying /boot files will look like this: Such shows itself in the /boot directory like so: Most people will be using an older more recent or the most recent, version of the "normally" supported kernel. If your MODULES= line has any other modules on it already, just add your new one with a space separating it from the previous one.įor our next trick, we have to identify which kernel branch you are using. MODULES=(nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm) Intel on-board (at least all of the intel CPU's that carry a GPU/CPU): Here you will have to put your GPU module name, the three choices that I can show you here are: Use sudo & load /etc/nf into your text editor & find the MODULES="" line very near the top of file. Having done that, if you reboot the GRUB menu will be bigger & so will a shortish portion of the boot process, up until the GPU driver kernel module is loaded, where you'll go back to the default console font. Save the edited file & then enter the following at the Terminal prompt: GRUB_FONT=/boot/grub/fonts/DejaVuSansMono18.pf2 # -size=24 /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf # sudo grub-mkfont -output=/boot/grub/fonts/DejaVuSansMono24.pf2 \

windows terminal font larger

# 2 lines on ONE line, terminal command (ignore the error messages it works!: # More readable font on high dpi screen, generated with the following Then we need to open the /etc/default/grub file in our text editor as root (use sudo) & add the following line (or lines if your like me & have a bad memory): Sudo grub-mkfont -output=/boot/grub/fonts/DejaVuSansMono20.pf2 \ -size=20 /usr/share/fonts/TTF/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf

windows terminal font larger

This one requires you to choose a font that you like (mono fonts are easiest to read), I chose DejaVuSansMono20 & here is the command line that creates this font in a GRUB compatible format, in the size that you have chosen & places it in the newly created /boot/grub/fonts directory (its a long command & it is ALL on one line):

Windows terminal font larger